Case Study

How Realtime Data Can Transform and Shorten Improvement Cycles

Elk Grove Unified School District

Case Study Brief

Elk Grove Unified School District had an ambitious plan to improve pathways for secondary students and increase underrepresented student participation in advanced courses. However, precise data on enrollment patterns, course offerings, and disparities was lacking, and faster feedback during scheduling was needed.

Elk Grove partnered with Abl, gaining access to actionable data that drove strategic decision making across the district. Abl’s analytics allowed precise insights and data-driven focus on college and career readiness. Data visualizations pinpointed areas for improvement, especially in advancing underrepresented students in advanced courses.

Abl’s analytics and expert guidance enabled the district to identify areas of opportunity, and detailed action plans were meticulously crafted to promote consistent outcomes for all students. In just one year, Elk Grove experienced a positive 2% difference in overall academic intensity between cohorts with a remarkable 10% increase in academic intensity for Black and Hispanic students. Furthermore, by finalizing the majority of student schedules in June, the district’s counselors were able to shift their focus towards vital social and emotional support for students, rather than schedule adjustments.

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Elk Grove Unified School District

68 Schools
320 Square Miles

3,353 Certified
2,765 Classified
238 Administrators

63K Students
92% Graduation Rate
45% Socioeconomically Disadvantaged
17% English Language Learners
13% Students with Disabilities
28% Asian
28% Hispanic
17% White
11% African American
9% Multiple
6% Filipino
2% Pacific Islander
<1% American Indian

“The master schedule is your community, school, teacher, and student culture. It is one of the most important things you can do as a site administrator to ensure success for your students. And it’s also the one thing that may not get enough attention. As a result most master schedules are teacher centric. We’ve changed that in Elk Grove and have built a community of practice where we have committed to building schedules that prioritize our students’ needs.”

Sue Hubbard
Director of College and Career Connections